It’s a Wireless World

By Brian Hinman

The way we consume content is driving a fundamental shift in the way we access the Internet.

Today, over half of Internet data is accessed via wireless networks that are supported by a fiber backbone. In the last six years alone, mobile data subscriptions have grown from just 4% to over a third of the world’s population. The growth in mobile subscribers combined with the deployment of smart devices is driving an ever-increasing reliance on wireless networks to provide Internet access.

Having spent my career providing customer-focused products and solutions for the communications industry, it is abundantly clear that the existing infrastructure is not capable of supporting the approaching tidal wave of demand for Internet access. Copper simply can’t keep pace with the performance required for today’s applications, and FTTH (Fiber to the Home) is too expensive for mass deployment. For high-speed, cost effective network expansion, a new incarnation of outdoor wireless is required to bridge the gap between low performance DSL and expensive fiber.

The next generation Internet access network must provide scale and capacity for the applications of tomorrow, and yet deliver the reliability people expect from legacy fixed wireline services. Realizing this vision over wireless will require improved technologies and the intelligent optimization of unlicensed spectrum.

We started Mimosa because we saw an opportunity to build the next generation Internet access network using cutting-edge technology that has the ability to change the way we access the Internet.

We believe that the future of wireless is about three things:

Bigger – More clients on every access point.

Faster – Higher speeds, reaching +1 Gbps using 4x4 802.11ac with MU-MIMO.

Stronger – Fiber quality connections, using rapid interference mitigation for unprecedented reliability in the unlicensed spectrum.

Mimosa’s mission is to help make that future a reality.

Next generation Internet access is coming. New applications require it; your customers demand it. Mimosa is the future of wireless.