Delivering fiber-like speeds with Mimosa's point-to-point and point-to-multipoint solutions.
What We’re Looking Forward to at WISPAMERICA 2022
We’re always looking forward to WISPAMERICA (and not just because it’s in New Orleans). Here are a few things we’re excited to do, see, and discuss at this year’s convention.
WISPAMERICA 2022 is right around the corner, and the Mimosa team is gearing up for another great year! We’re always looking forward to WISPAMERICA (and not just because it’s in New Orleans). Here are a few things we’re excited to do, see, and discuss at this year’s convention.
New product releases
If you’ve attended the conference before you’ll know that WISPAMERICA is the place to see the latest solutions for wireless internet and broadband providers. We’re excited to see what other exhibitors will bring to the table. However, we’re even more excited to give attendees a look at our new 6-series OFDMA multi-gigabit PTMP/PTP technologies.
Networking with other industry leaders
You never know how the people you meet at conferences can affect your projects or business — especially with the WISP community. The conference gives you the opportunity to meet with exhibitors, build your network, or get in touch with distributors (like Streakwave).
Learning more about future trends
With the industry evolving, staying ahead of the curve is critical for success. Mimosa is excited to be a part of those discussions. Chief Technology Officer Jaime Fink is leading an Animal Farm discussion about the potential and capabilities of the 6 GHz band. This shift is the biggest upgrade Wi-Fi has seen in over two decades, and WISPs can future-proof infrastructures to handle clearer, less congested spectrums.
Attending insightful, applicable sessions
Panel discussions are one of the most appealing parts of the convention, and Mimosa is thrilled to lead two great discussions. The first is an opportunity to discuss the 6 GHz band with CTO Jaime Fink.

The second discussion, however, is just as exciting. Join Chris Salemme, Mimosa’s VP of Government & Strategic Affairs for Broadband Billions Bootcamp to talk about practical ways to improve grant proposals. With billions of dollars up for grabs through statewide and federal grant programs, knowing how to expertly win money can shape entire communities for decades. Chris and other panelists will give attendees a comprehensive blueprint on how to find the funding as well as the framework to gainfully compete for those opportunities.

We know you’ll have a lot to see and do during WISPAMERICA 2022, but don’t forget to stop by Booth #107 for great discussions (and some take-home swags)! You can also check out our distribution partner Streakwave at Booth #503. See you in NOLA!