As a farm manager or agribusiness owner, today's advanced technology grants access to critical data previously unavailable in agriculture. From real-time video for livestock monitoring to IoT sensors tracking water, voltage, and temperature, connected control systems for irrigation have transformed the industry. However, rural locations often lack affordable, reliable high-speed internet, limiting your ability to leverage these technologies.
Smart Farms and Agribusiness
Providing Connectivity for Smart Farms
Geography should not limit your business potential. Mimosa’s wireless connectivity solutions enable you to advance to the next phase of the agricultural industry, reliably delivering large volumes of mission-critical data at fiber-fast speeds.

Revolutionize Your Farm Operations

No Fiber? No Problem.
Mimosa is here to bridge that gap. By deploying wireless broadband solutions that connect all your internet-enabled devices to a fiber backbone, Mimosa enables you to quickly and affordably enjoy ultra-fast connectivity. This means increased profitability, enhanced sustainability, and improved safety for your farm business, all while staying connected to social and support networks globally.
Mimosa in the Wild

Advantenon Deploys Mimosa to Midwest Farming Communities
Traverse County in West Central Minnesota is home to vast soybean, sugar beet, and corn farms, and the resulting harvests make Minnesota the fifth largest agricultural producer in the U.S. Realizing that their farmers needed ultra-broadband to stay competitive, and frustrated with the amount of paperwork required by the State to get projects kick-started, the County decided to take matters into its own hands and contacted Advantenon, a wireless internet service provider (WISP) based in Plymouth, Minnesota for help.