Delivering fiber-like speeds with Mimosa's point-to-point and point-to-multipoint solutions.
Giga Internet Succeeds in Porto Alegre with Mimosa
Deployment of Mimosa Backhaul Radios Delivers Reliability and High Speeds
Giga Internet was looking to upgrade their network to handle ever-increasing traffic
A low-latency, high-capacity backhaul solution
Giga Internet deployed Mimosa B5c connectorized radios
Giga Internet achieved consistently high throughput, even in highly-congested areas
Giga Internet is a leading provider of digital Internet services in the Gaucho Highlands, a mountainous region in the of Rio Grande do Sul state in southern Brazil, and Metropolitan region of Porto Alegre, the state capital of one of the biggest Brazilian states. This region is home to many Brazilians of German and Italian descent, with cities in the Serra Gaúcha reflecting German and Italian influences through their architecture, gastronomy and culture. With its state-of-the-art network, Giga Internet is flourishing in the region, recognized for their high capacity and high performance network, and superb service.
Founded in 2012, the company has continually expanded its network and its business, and now offers three types of service: dedicated link solutions for small, medium and large companies; temporary links for events; and broadband services for condominiums and residences. The company’s main goal is to enable fiber-fast Internet access to regions where large companies don’t have cable Internet reach, enabling a society with more connections.
With more than 60 employees and 4,000 clients, Giga Internet’s mission is to provide the best Internet connection, with the highest standard of quality in service and technology that can satisfy the needs of its customers. Giga Internet has a data center with state of the art equipment, their main provider of Internet links is Level3, and they are members of in Porto Alegre and São Paulo, the main IP traffic exchange point of Brazil. Giga Internet has two facilities, including branches and agencies, and offers Internet connection with 100% guarantee of delivery of download speed and unlimited data.
“I would recommend Mimosa because of three key attributes – quality products, excellent support and a competitive price. When I think of true wireless broadband technology, I think of Mimosa”
Due to an increasing number of subscribers and traffic on their network, Giga Internet needed to upgrade their network and wanted to deploy ultra low latency unlicensed backhaul radios with high capacity between their two main signal repeaters. They proceeded with a test of a pair of Mimosa B5c backhaul radios with Xwave 31dbi armored dual polarity antenna. The radios were tested in a 3.09 miles backhaul link between two tall buildings, across an area of extreme interference in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre, and demonstrated a latency of 2ms. With their previous solution receiving no more than 70 Mbps full duplex, the new B5c outperformed by achieving 1640 aggregated PHY or 834 Mbps, exceeding all expectations. It is now operating as a production link for Giga Internet.

“We tested a number of solutions on the market but only Mimosa came close to what we needed in terms of low latency and high capacity,” said Leandro Lopes Marczykoski, Senior Wireless Engineer. “The Mimosa B5c backhaul radio delivered the promise and more – it brought unparalleled reliability and high bandwidth capacity to our customers.” According to Marczykoski, the 4x4:4 Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO), supporting up to four independent data streams – which can be combined to increase reliability and range – really made all the difference in providing a corporate solution of great value and quality.
Marczykoski went on to say that the consistently high-throughput for an unlicensed radio in a region with high congestion in the 5 GHz radio frequency, is really admirable. “The B5c is a great solution and is excelling where other radios have failed."
“The B5c is a great solution and is excelling where other radios have failed.”
Marczykoski used Mimosa Cloud+ services to build Giga Internet’s network. He monitored the link for some time using Cloud+ and was very interested to see the various parameters of the radios. “Cloud+ is excellent, stable and extremely efficient,” said Marczykoski. “In one instance, we were designing a very important link and the staff had doubts whether we would be able to realize it. By doing the project in Cloud+ and presenting it to staff, it was possible to understand that it would be feasible.” Marczykoski also uses the Mimosa design tool to evaluate future links before they are put into production enabling him to foresee any problems that may happen in the future with these links, viewing the land, the types of radios and antennas etc.

“I would recommend Mimosa because of three key attributes – quality products, excellent support and a competitive price. When I think of true wireless broadband technology, I think of Mimosa,” said Marczykoski. “Mimosa is a superb company.” Marczykoski also credited official reseller Clickmobile for warranty and local support in Brazil.
Moving forward, Giga Internet plans to secure a leadership position in the Serra Gaucha market with the best service and the most advanced technology. The company is looking to increase their backhaul network with the addition of more B5c radios and plans to increase the speed and reliability for their point-to-point and point-to- multi-point subscribers.